Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gone are the days...

There were times when people genuinely wanted to help each other, the closely knit families, the relations, the togetherness.... Meanings now have changed, everything is just a formality. I should do this or else what will people say. 'What will people say' is more important than 'what do I like doing'.

The other day I went to attend a ceremony called "Kriya"... one of distant relative's mom expired. I wonder how many people who attended the ceremony were genuinely sad...most of them hardly knew the person expired. One of my aunts sitting next to me was restless as the ceremony was taking long... she had to go shopping after this.

I remember the day mom expired. People were pouring in for days. Every one had the same question. How did it happen, she was fine....and I could see papa explaining it to all what happened. Something that he was trying to forget all the time, he had to repeat for everyone. Do they want the pain to lessen or aggravate!

I know these things were made to support each other in bad times but how far is that true now, all this has just become a formality. Not that I do not like socializing or attending ceremonies, but am concerned that the inner meaning is getting lost somewhere. 

If one attends a function or a ceremony it should be because one wants to and not to show it to the world that he/she was there/ concerned!


Urmi said...

Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment.
I appreciate for your wonderful post as you have portrayed the true fact of life. You are absolutely right and I also feel that everybody has changed nowadays and they do not attend any ceremony from their heart but they attend just for the sake of attending. Moreover people are bothered what others will think if they do not attend and its really disgusting to see the attitudes of such people. I have also come across many situations when my grandmother expired, people went on asking the same question again and again to my father and some of them were restless to leave, some were looking at the watch, some of them were going on talking and criticizing about others etc etc. People have changed a lot.

Renu said...

very true! even i feel the same, that we should be genuine with our behaviour all the time...but sometimes some traditions are good in the sense that if many people come to a condolence gathering, may be their presence makes the family feel the support...

but so many people in our society are very insensitive also, they will go for mourning but gossip there...for such people its better not to go.

uma k said...

very aptly said